I believe in the power of letter writing
How does hearing the letterbox rattle as the postie drops your post through your door? Maybe curiosity? Dread? How about when you see there is an envelope hand addressed to you? I’m guessing, if you’re anything like me, that you feel a little surprised and excited. To me, there are few things that bring me more joy than receiving a letter or a card from a friend.
I love the element of surprise. As much as I enjoy receiving birthday cards, receiving an item of post unexpectedly is so joyful.
It makes me feel loved. I have thought about this a little, and I think that sending a card ticks a lot of love language boxes.
- Words of affirmation of course, as you read from a friend who is speaking directly to you, often saying lovely things about you as well as updating on their news and sending little quotes or stories.
- It also counts as a gift, and feels so special because someone has thought about the card design or letter paper that they know you would like. Extra points if they use special writing, hand lettering, drawn or painted pictures, a photo included or anything super thoughtful.
- And then quality time. I know it’s not physical quality time, but knowing that a friend has taken the time to write to you ticks that box for me.
I feel loved because someone has thought about me, taken pen to paper and taken the time to write and send something to me. It takes more thought and effort than a text or an email.
So if you’re not seeing a friend you wish you were at the moment, can I recommend sending a card just because you love them and want to make their day better? I have loads of “just because” cards you could choose from, and all And Hope Designs are printed on premium card that will add an element of “wow” and make that friend feel special and thought of. Cards that say things like “a sweet friendship refreshes the soul” which is a Bible verse from the book of Proverbs, and “you’re even more amazing than a dress with pockets” are two great options, but there are so many more!