What to Write in Christian Mother's Day Card
Mother’s Day is celebrated across the globe, but the dates can vary depending on where you are. Since I'm writing from the UK, I’ll be focusing on when we celebrate here. However, the sentiments you write in your card for a Christian mum will be similar no matter where you are—it's just the date that

In the UK, Mother’s Day falls on a different date each year, and it’s tied to the Christian calendar. It always takes place on the fourth Sunday of Lent, which is why the day was originally called Mothering Sunday. These days, we simply refer to it as Mother’s Day, though the traditional name still pops up from time to time. This year, with Easter and Lent falling quite late, Mother’s Day will be on Sunday, 30th March.
Mother's Day (or Mothering Sunday, if you prefer) is the perfect time to express your love and appreciation for your mum. A heartfelt, handwritten card is one of the most meaningful ways to do this. While I can't give you the exact words to write, as the message should be personal to your relationship with your mum, I’ve come up with some ideas and prompts in this blog post to inspire you, especially if you're writing to a Christian mum.
As a Christian mum myself, I have a good understanding of what makes a special greeting card. I also design greeting cards and small gifts, so I’ve been on all the sides—creating, receiving, and giving such thoughtful tokens. This year, I’ve designed some of the most thoughtful Christian Mother’s Day cards and included some top tips on what to write inside, ensuring your message feels personal and meaningful.
Write about how much you appreciate your mum.
Mother's Day is a dedicated day to reflect on and express our deep gratitude for the incredible women who raised us. For me, it’s a chance to take a moment and remind mum that she is loved and appreciated. Growing up, I didn't notice just how much she did for me and my brothers. But being a mum myself now, and going back to visit every once in a while, she is truly fantastic, and she needs to be told more often!
One of my favorite recent memories of my mum is from last year. I signed up to trade at Big Church Festival. There was really no way of doing it by myself so I asked if she'd be available to join me. She didn't hesitate and put plans in place to be there with my dad and the three of us manned my stall for 3 days. I am so grateful that without pause, she dropped everything to be there for me. That moment showed me just how much she loves me and how deeply she cares.
I’m also so thankful for her hard work in raising a family. It’s not always easy, and there have been many tears of frustration (at me) and grief. But by God's grace, through their dedication and prayers, all four of their children are walking faithfully with the Lord. That doesn't happen by accident and took a lot of sacrificing on the part of mum and dad. Her dedication, her sacrifices, and her selflessness have shaped me in ways I can't even fully describe.
Tell her how much she means to you.
Affirm your mum - this is a great opportunity to show her how much all she has done and sacrificed for you means.
Be personal. Be thoughtful. Then tell her how much she means to you, that you love her, and that she is a blessing in your life. Use specific examples. Make it personal.
Tell her that she is and has been a good mother to you. And tell her about specific memories and times she has been invaluable to you.
Remind her that she is a worthy vessel of God.
When you write your mum a Mother's Day card, there are many things that you can say to show her how much she means to you. You can tell her about the ways in which she has impacted your life, or express gratitude for all that she does for you. However, if there is one thing that every Christian mother needs to hear on this day and every day, it is this: God loves her, and God’s love shines through her as she loves her children well.
A mother's love is a gift from God! Thank her for being a godly example for you to follow. This is the first and foremost thing that differentiates a Christian mother from a non Christian mum, and her love for you is just a glimpse of God’s love for you. Thank her for showing God’s love through her love and sacrifice for you.
Encourage her to serve and love others with the same passion she shows you.
A Christian Mother's Day card is a great way to encourage your mom in her faith. You can do this by reminding her of what she already does so well: serving others and loving them with the same passion she shows you.
Think of specific ways she serves you and perhaps already also serves others and thank her for her example, showing Jesus to you and to those around you. Encourage her in the service and sacrifice, let her know it does not go unnoticed and that you love to see her serve God in this way. Proverbs 31 is a chapter of scripture that has so many qualities a Christian woman should aspire to. Why not write out a verse from it that she embodies!
Thank her for being an example of what it means to be a godly woman.
What makes a Christian Mother’s Day card and indeed a Christian mother more special than others is the example she gives of a godly woman.
Think of Titus 2 and all the attributes of a godly older woman. Thank your mum for being an example of what it means to be a godly woman.
You could also read through Proverbs 31 and choose a couple of the verses that you think your mum has shown particularly well as she has sought to live the life of a godly woman.
Your mother is a reflection of God's glory, and you should take time to thank her for that. She serves as an example of how God works through people, showing them His love and mercy in ways that they can understand. Think about some of the qualities that make your mum such a great person, and then write down how those characteristics have helped shape your own life.
Tell her that she has been a blessing in your life and that you’re grateful for all she’s done for you.
Tell your mum that she has been a huge blessing to you. Think of a Bible verse that she loves, you love or that she loves out well and write it in the card. Adding in scripture to your Mother’s Day card will make it all the more special.
As a mother, watching my children grow in their walks with God is such a joy and a privilege. Your mum will love hearing how God is speaking to you, how she has impacted your walk with him and reading the scripture you have picked out for her.
A Christian Mother's Day card is very personal and specific to you, your mum and the relationship you have. However, it should reflect on the heart of the mother, focusing on God-honoring qualities such as faithfulness and kindness as well as love for family. You can write about any of these things and come up with specific examples. Make it personal to your mum and her godly qualities.
Remember as well that this is an opportunity to let her know how much she means to you!
Be thoughtful, be personal, be sincere. Funny is also always good, but don't go overboard with it - you don't want to come across as condescending or inappropriate (especially if your mom isn't a Christian).
If you’re still in need of a gorgeous Christian Mother’s Day card, I have a growing collection for you to choose from.