Christian wedding bride and groom with lilac and yellow bouquet

What to Write in a Christian Wedding Card?

With 12 years of marriage under my belt, I still remember being engaged and believing things would never be difficult. Even on my wedding day, I was convinced marriage was going to be wonderful all the time! But, of course, my minister in Edinburgh was right when he said that a marriage brings twice the sin and half the space! Then, when children arrive on the scene, it’s even more sin and even less space. Of course, there’s more to marriage than this, but perhaps it gives you a sense of what to write in a Christian wedding card!

This subject is on my mind all the more this year as I have two weddings to attend! This is a rare thing at the age 40, as most of my friends are already married. I’m excited to choose both the perfect wedding card and the perfect sentiment to go with it.

Why Send a Wedding Card?

wrapped wedding gifts on a table with wedding card

Wedding cards are usually designed to accompany a gift. If you are attending the wedding, you may choose to bring your card with you and deliver it in-person. If you’re unable to be there, it will be a lovely surprise when the couple arrives home after their big day. Either way, a wedding card lets the newlyweds know you are rejoicing with them, supporting them and praying for them as they embark on their marriage.

My husband and I received wedding cards from people we barely know – friends of our parents, people who went to our church that we didn’t know very well (it was a large church). It was so lovely and encouraging to open these cards on our honeymoon and read the words of people in our lives, whether they were close friends and family or more distant acquaintances.

We especially loved receiving cards from older couples who had walked through life with a spouse. Their words of wisdom and assured prayers were wonderful to read. I read some of them again a couple of years after our wedding when we were moving house. Having been married for a little while and added a couple of children into the mix, their words rang even more true.

What to Write in a Christian Wedding Card

And Hope Designs Floral Wedding Card

First, congratulate the newlyweds on their marriage. It’s an exciting, brave step to stand before friends, family and God, and promise to love, honour and cherish someone until death do you part.

Next, assure them of your prayers, as they begin a new family unit and learn all that comes with this. Personally, adjusting to living in close quarters with a (very tidy) boy was a bit of a shock to me! That said, being able to spend so much more time with my favourite person in the world was wonderful. I suddenly forgot I was an introvert! I’m sure that having our ministers and friends from church praying for us as we started life together played a large part in us navigating this change so smoothly.

If you are married, a few short words of wisdom written with love will go a long way to helping the newlyweds find their feet. Think about what you would have wanted to hear or know on your wedding day. What would you have found helpful as you embarked on a new season of life?

A great piece of advice we received, which contradicted a lot of others, was that going to bed angry is sometimes the best thing. Get some sleep and come back to an argument when you’re not tired or hungry. This has helped us have more level-headed arguments and disagreements than we were having before, always heeding the familiar advice not to go to bed angry. We consciously agreed that we needed sleep and that we would come back to this after some rest.

In a similar vein, one of our older married couple friends encouraged us to go to bed at the same time whenever possible, and to pray together before sleeping. End each day with a kiss.

Another great piece of advice we received was to continue to do fun things together. The mundane and everyday can easily take over and keeping those fun times amid the boring really helps to ensure you still like each other!!! It doesn’t have to cost much money if times are tight. It might just be going on a walk somewhere we love, playing a board game or cooking a meal together and eating it with a candle lit and a bunch of flowers on the table.

Bible Verses to Include in a Christian Wedding Card

And Hope Designs Christian Wedding Card with bible quote

There are many verses from scripture that are great to include in a wedding card. Here are some of my favourites:

Romans 12:10 – Outdo one another in showing honour.

Ephesians 4:32 – Be kind to each other, tender hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Ephesians 4:2 – Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

1 Peter 4:8 – Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Ruth 1:16 – Where you go, I will go, and where you live, I will live. Your people shall be my people and your God will be my God.

Ecclesiastes 4:9 – Two are better than one, because they have good return for their labour; if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. Also if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone.

And Hope Designs Christian Wedding Cards

I have a lovely collection of wedding cards, which you can find here Christian Wedding Cards

Useful Links

How to Send Meaningful Christian Birthday Cards

What to Write in an Adult Baptism Card

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