Jesus said to them come and have breakfast Christian wall print

Jesus - a startling contrast of supernatural and ordinary

“Jesus said to them, ‘come and have breakfast.’”

 Jesus said to them come and have breakfast Christian wall print for the kitchen

I just love this verse from John 21:12.

Jesus does the extraordinary.

It comes after Jesus has risen. He stands on the shore after some of the disciples have spent a night of fishing and have caught nothing. Jesus tells them to throw the net to the other side of the boat and lo and behold, they cannot pull it in for all the fish they catch. A miracle. Extraordinary.

Jesus does the ordinary.

When they finally get back to shore, Jesus has started a fire and has fish and bread, and tells them to join him for breakfast. Simple, normal, ordinary.

Jesus asks them to bring what they have.

He even tells them to bring some of their catch, even though he already has plenty cooking on the fire. Bring what you have. It also gives them a chance to count just how many fish they caught and the extent of the miracle just performed. It wasn’t a just by chance couple of fish catch. It was huge. Extraordinary.

They didn’t need to ask who He was, they knew full well. Who else would speak and supernatural things would take place?

Jesus wants to spend time with them.

But then, he just wants to spend time with them, share food and give Peter a chance to change his answer from “I don’t know Him” (3 times during Jesus’ trial) to “you know that I love you” (3 times after his resurrection)

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Today, just like on that day, he wants to have breakfast with you, spend time with you, share food (both physical and spiritual) and you need only bring what you have. Just like the woman who poured perfume all over Jesus’ feet and Jesus said of her, “she has done what she could”, do what you can, bring what you can. 

Jesus said to them come and have breakfast wall print for the kitchen
This print is now available in my shop if you’d like one for your kitchen, or to hang above the corner you have your quiet time in each day. It will remind you that while Jesus is God, he is also close and wants to meet with you. Today.

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